Whether stocks are trending up or down, take a deep breath, and realize that the long-term fact is: Canada will continue. Regardless of any temporary outlook you have, or of the temporary situation you live in, we can all agree that those less fortunate are always in need. 2014 was my first real chance to help in a charitable way. My small and growing company was able to direct financial support towards…
Just One Interview Tip… #2
You walk into the boardroom and look across the table. They are already waiting for your interview to start. You take a breath and introduce yourself. You quickly notice that you are not the only person in the room who seems a little bit nervous. In a minute, the room seems to relax and you take a sip of water. Some smiles come out and a few jokes are heard. …
The Dreaded Exit Interview
The moment you decide to take your career in a new direction, you will feel the excitement of the changes on the horizon, and maybe some worry because you know you will have to tell your boss. If your job is perfect, then there is no reason to leave. However, the average worker remains at their job for 4.4 years, meaning that people face the dreaded exit interview every day. Like…
Just One Interview Tip
Consider for a moment that we just told you about an upcoming interview at a firm or company you really want to work for. You’ve even been waiting to hear back from them. Like most people, you probably feel some nerves about the interview. Just thinking about it can make confident professionals anxious. However, now is not the time to be anxious. Now is the time to stop and take…