team - handshake 2I recently had a one-on-one conversation with a senior managing partner of a national law firm. He and his paralegal teamed up 29 years ago! He is not the only one. I have three mentors in the legal field that started working with their paralegal more than 20 years ago. These lawyer/paralegal teams are built on cooperation, trust and mutual respect. No lawyer is perfect, and everyone knows that a good paralegal will save you in a pinch.

Are you in the legal field? If so, what is your image of a perfect paralegal? People agree paralegals and legal assistants should be honest, organized and detail oriented. More importantly, I think their skills should compliment your own shortcomings. Over time, trust increases and the relationship grows. Some lawyers, late in their careers, find they can no longer run their practice effectively without their support team. This is not a sign of weakness; rather this is a sign of effective management, and often an indication of a strong legal practice.

I was always thankful to have great legal support personnel around me. As the Brolly start-up now begins connecting lawyers with effective legal support talent, one fact remains clear:  “A strong paralegal, or legal administrative assistant, is crucial to a successful legal practice”.


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